mardi 6 mai 2014

OnDemand - Echos du Capricorne & Zooma Capricorne

FRI 02.05.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 02.05.14 Jean Rabenalisoa Ravalitera managing director of the broadcast "Radio Anjomara 94.8 FM"more

WED 30.04.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 30.04.14 News, Chronicles and Diary. Guest: Mamy Rakotondrainibemore

FRI 25.04.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 25.04.14 Perle Zafinandro Fourquet, President of Fagnomba was jailed in 2013 for six weeks - Jean Marie Pernelle and Frédéric Lambolez have turned the documentary «Je veux ma part de terre» "I want my share of the land"more

WED 23.04.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 23.04.14 News, Chronicles and Diary. Guest: Fredy Jaofera, poet.more

FRI 18.04.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 18.04.14 Andry Mahefa Rasolo invites to the Concert Promotion of his first album "Malagasy aho" of his group "Ankoay"more

WED 16.04.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 16.04.14 - Jeannot Rasolofoarison, Secretary General of the FIMPIMA, and Tafika Rakotomavo, Director of Training and Research of the FIMPIMA, present all the activities to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the FIMPIMA
- Pearl Zafinandro Fourquet, president of the association Fagnomba relate the London meeting with the stockholders of the multinational QMM-Rio Tinto more
WED 16.04.14

FRI 11.04.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 11.04.14 Haingo, Domohina, Mamy are sensitive to the situation that peasants live in Madagasikara.more

WED 09.04.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 09.04.14 Tao Ravao Quartet - Vincent Bucher, Axel Rasoanaivo, Jean Noel Godard at Studio de l'Ermitagemore
WED 09.04.14

FRI 04.04.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 04.04.14 Théophile Rakotonirina, Priest, is preparing a thesis about the "Fokonolona".more

WED 02.04.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 02.04.14 Eric Rabenja Moscardo, humorist, presents the event "Le Baobab normand" autobiographical one man showmore
WED 02.04.14

FRI 28.03.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 28.03.14 Roeke Rajaofetra Coordinator of the week dedicated to Madagascar at the UNESCO: Journées Mondiale de Madagascar-JMU.more

WED 26.03.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 26.03.14 News, Chronicles and Diary.more

FRI 21.03.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 21.03.14 Professor Stephan NARISON, Research Director at LPTA CNRS-Montpelliermore
FRI 21.03.14

WED 19.03.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 19.03.14 News, Chronicles and Diary.more

FRI 14.03.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 14.03.14 Seeking for someone we could be proud of "olomanga malagasy" ... FX Mah. - François Xavier Razafimahatratra studied and tells us Rabary story.more

WED 12.03.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 12.03.14 Rija of the groupe "Jaers" and "Vaika" presents the event Tribute to Kiaka Cabaret Rocmore

FRI 07.03.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 07.03.14 Hubert Stalla gives his vision of Madagascarmore

WED 05.03.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 05.03.14 Jocelyn Maillé presents Hot Club Madagascarmore

FRI 28.02.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 28.02.14 Velomihanta Ranaivo Rakotoniaina presents her book "Plurilinguisme, francophonie et formation des élites à Madagascar, 1795-2012 - De la mixité des langues"more
FRI 28.02.14 demand/Zooma/20140228z.pdf

WED 26.02.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 26.02.14 Interview of Aina Randrianaivosoa, Poet, author, songwriter, translator.more

FRI 21.02.14   Zooma Capricorne
FRI 21.02.14 Jean-Marie Pernelle, filmmaker writer-director lives in La Reunion Island for 20 years. He presents his company, the film project JVMPDT, QMM multinational, Rio Tinto ...more
FRI 21.02.14

WED 19.02.14   Echos du Capricorne
WED 19.02.14 Interview of Joel Andrianomearisoa, artist of contemporary art.more
WED 19.02.14

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